
ZHANG Yinping
Tel: 86-10-62772518
Fax: 86-10-62773461
E-mail: [email protected]


Indoor Air  Quality

Energy  Conservation through Energy Storage for Buildings

Heat and Mass  Transfer in Built Environment



Bachelor  degree (1985), Master degree (1988) and Ph. D degree (1991) in  University of Science and Technology of China


Visiting  scholar in Stuttgart Univ., Germany (1994-95), Tokyo Univ., Japan  (1996), and Technique Univ. of Denmark (DTU) (2004) and the Otto Mønsted  visiting professor of DTU, Denmark (2007/2008)

July 1999  –present, TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY, Professor, Department of Building Science  and

Technology,  Deputy director and director (since Sept., 2008) of Institute of Built  Environment.

May 1997 –July  1999, TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY, Associate Professor, Dept. of Thermal  Engineering Deputy director of Institute of Built Environment.

Oct. 1993  –Apr. 1997,  UNIV. OF SCI. AND TECHNO. OF CHINA, Dept. of Thermal  Science and Energy Engineering, Associate professor and Vice-chairman of  Dept. of Thermal Science and Energy Engineering.

Oct. 1991  –Oct. 1993,  UNIV. OF SCI. AND TECHNO. OF CHINA, Assistant professor,  Department

of Thermal  Science and Energy Engineering


RESEARCH PROJECTS (Selected in the past 10 years)

1.    VOC emission/adsorption  prediction and control: Micro and meso scale study, National Outstanding  Young Researcher Award Project, Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC),  2008-2011.

2.    Indoor furniture labeling,  key project of Beijing Ministry of Science and Technology, 2009-2011,

3.    Control of organic  pollutions in indoor air, 11th 5 year key project of Ministry of Science  and Technolgy of China, 2006-2010.

4.    Indoor material / product  VOC emission control, 11th 5 year key project of Ministry of Science and  Technolgy of China, 2006-2010

5.    Investigation of indoor  VOC and harmful microbe control by using novel air cleaning techniques,  key project of Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 2005-2008.

6.    Emission characteristics  of building material, project of Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC),  2005-2007.

7.    Study on some key problems  of removing VOCs by using PCO techniques, project of Nature Science  Foundation of China (NSFC),     2003-2005.

8.    Preparation and thermal  performance of micro-encapsulated phase change slurries, project of  Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2001-2003.

9.    Preparation and thermal  performance of shape-stabilized phase change material, project of Nature  Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 1998-2000.

10.  Fire retard performance of  shape-stabilized phase change material, Key fundamental project,  Ministry of Science and Technolgy of China, 2002-2006.

11.  Application of  shape-stabilized phase change material in solar house, Advanced  Technology Project, Ministry of Science and Technolgy of China,  2002-2004.



1.    Outstanding Young  Researcher Award, National Science Foundation of China,    2007

2.    Award for Nature Science  Research, Ministry of Education, P. R China   , 2005

3.    Excellent Young  Researcher,  Tsinghua University,   2003

4.    Chinese Excellent Young  Researcher Fund,    Ministry of Education, P. R. China, 2001

5.    “Yindong Huo” Chinese  Excellent Young Researcher Award (2 persons for Energy Field for every  two years, China),        Ministry of Education, P. R. China, 1994



Social organization

Fellow of  Inter. Academy of Indoor Air Science

Administrative  Vice-chairman and Secretary-in-chief, Chinese Association of Indoor  Environment and Health.

Director,  Chinese Society for Building Physics.

Director,  Chinese Energy Research Committee.


Member of  following editorial boards

Indoor Air  (SCI source journal)

Indoor and  Built Environment (SCI source journal)

Inter. J. of  Transfer Phenomena

Chinese  Science Bulletin (SCI source journal)

Inter. J. of  Low Carbon Technologies

Acta Energiae  Solaris Sinica (Solar Energy) (In Chinese)

Building  Energy Conservation (In Chinese)

Guest editor  of special issue, Building & Environment, 2008

Guest editor  of special issue, Facilities, 2007


Co-chair of  5th Inter. Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings  and 3rd Inter. Conf. on Built Environment and Public Health, Guilin,  May, 2009.

Co-chair of  5th Inter. Symposium of Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning,  Beijing, Sept. 2007.

Chairman of  Inter. Workshop of Indoor Air Quality, Beijing, May, 2007.

Members of  scientific committees of Inter. Conf. of Indoor Air (10th, 2005,  Beijing, China; 11th, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark) and Healthy Building  (2009, Syracuse University, USA) and other over 10 Inter. Conferences.



Published over  80 International journal papers. The selected papers from them in the  recent 10 years are:

On IAQ topic

1.     Mo J H, Zhang Y P, Xu Q J,  Zhu Y F, Lamson J J, Zhao R Y, Determination and risk assessment of  by-products resulting from photocatalytic oxidation of toluene, Applied  Catalysis B-Environmental. 89 (2009), 570-576.

2.     Mo J H, Zhang Y P, Xu Q J,  Lamson J J, Zhao R Y, Photocatalytic purification of volatile organic  compounds in indoor air: a literature review, Atmospheric Environment.  43 (2009). 2229-2246.

3.     Xiong J Y, Chen W H, Smith  J F, Zhang Y P, Zhang J S, An improved extraction method to determine  the initial emittable concentration and the partition coefficient of  VOCs in dry building materials, Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009)  4102–4107

4.     Wang X K, Zhang Y P, Yan  W, A new method for determining the initial mobile formaldehyde  concentrations, partition coefficients and diffusion coefficients of dry  building materials, Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 59  (2009), 819-825.

5.     Xiong J Y, Zhang Y P, Wang  X K, Chang D W, Macro-meso two scale model for predicting the VOC  diffusion coefficients and emission characteristics of porous building  material, Atmospheric Environment, 42 (2008), 5278-5290.

6.     Zhang Y P, Luo X X, Wang X  K, Qian K, Influence of temperature on formaldehyde emission parameters  of dry building materials, Atmospheric Environment, 41(2007), 3203-3216.

7.     Yang R, Zhang Y P, Xu Q J,  A mass transfer based method for measuring the reaction coefficients of  a photocatalyst, Atmospheric Environment, 2007, 41(6), 1221-1229.

8.     Qian K, Zhang Y P, Little  J C, Wang X K, Dimensionless correlations to predict VOC emissions from  dry building materials, accepted by Atmospheric Environment, 41(2),  2007, 352-359.

9.     Hu H P, Zhang Y P, Wang X  K, Little J C, An analytical mass transfer model for predicting VOC  emission from multi-layered building materials. Inter. J. of Heat and  Mass Transfer, 50 (2007), 2069-2077.

10.  Mo J H, Zhang Y P, Yang R,  Novel Insight into VOC Removal Performance of Photocatalytic Oxidation  Reactors, Indoor Air, 2005, 15 (4): 291-300.

11.  Xu Y, Zhang Y P, A general  model for analyzing VOC emission characteristics from building materials  and its application, Atmospheric Environment, 2004, 38(1), 113-119.

12.  Zhang Y P, Yang R, Zhao R  Y, A model for analyzing the performance of photocatalytic air cleaner  in removing volatile organic compounds, Atmospheric Environment, 37(24),  2003, 3395-3399.

13.  Zhang Y P, Xu Y,  Characteristics and formulae of VOC emissions from building materials,  Inter. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2003, 46(25), 2003, 4877-4883.

14.  Xu Y, Zhang Y P, An  improved mass transfer based model for analyzing VOC emissions from  building materials, Atmospheric Environment, 2003, 37 (18), 2497-2505.


On energy  storage and heat transfer topic

15.  Lin K P, Zhang Y P, Di H F  and Yang R, Electrical heating system with ductless air supply and shape  stabilized PCM for thermal storage, Energy Conversion and Management,  2007, 48 (2), 2016-2024.

16.  Zhang Y P, Zhou G B, Lin K  P, Zhang Q L, Application of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage in  Buildings: State-of-the-art and Outlook, Building and Environment, 2007,  42, 2197-2209.

17.  Zhang Y P, Yang R, Lin K  P, Di H F, Jiang Y, Preparation, thermal performance and application of  shape-stabilized PCM in energy efficient buildings, Energy and  Buildings, 2006, 38(10), 1262-1269.

18.  Zhang Y P, Lin K P, Zhang  Q L, Di H F, Ideal thermal physical properties for free-cooling (or  heating) buildings with constant thermal physical property material,  Energy and Buildings, 2006, 38(10), 1164-1170..

19.  Zhang Y P, Ding J H, Yang  R, Wang X, Influence of additives on thermal conductivity of  shape-stabilized phase change materials, Solar Energy Materials & Solar  Cells, 90 (2006), 1692-1702.

20.  Lin K P, Zhang Y P,  Experimental research of under-floor electric heating system with  shape-stabilized PCM plates, Energy and Building, 2005, 37(3), 215-220.

21.  Lin K P, Zhang Y P, Xu X,  Di H F, Yang R, Qin P H, Modeling and simulation of under-floor electric  heating system with shape-stabilized PCM plates, Building and  Environment, 39 (2004), 1427-1434.

22.  Hu X X, Zhang Y P, Novel  insight and numerical analysis of convective heat transfer enhancement  with microencapsulated phase change material slurries: laminar flow in a  circular tube with constant heat flow, Inter. J. of Heat and Mass  Transfer, 45(2002), 3163-3172.

23.  Zhang Y P, Jiang Y, Jiang  Y, A simple method, T-history method, of determining the heat of fusion,  specific heat and thermal conductivity of PCM, Measurement Science  Technology, 1999, 10(3), 201-205.


Selected conference proceedings

International  Conference Proceeding papers: over 80. The following are invited keynote  speech papers.

1.     Zhang Y P, Indoor VOCs:  source control and air cleaning. The 11th Inter. Conf. of Indoor Air,  Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug.17-22, 2008. Invited keynote speech.

2.     Zhang Y P, Advances of PCO  and TCO for removing indoor VOCs. International Environmental Safety and  Human Health Workshop, Wuhan, China, Sept.9-10, 2007. Invited keynote  speech.

3.     Zhang Y P, Can we predict  or design VOC emissions from building materials? Proc. of the 5th Inter.  Conf. of Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning, Beijing, China,  Sept.7-8, 2007. Invited keynote speech.

4.     Zhang Y P, Flow  Characteristics and Heat Transfer Enhancement of Latent Functionally  Thermal Fluid, Proc. of the 5th Inter. Conf. On Sustainable Energy  Technologies, Vinice, Italy, Aug.30-Sept.1, 2006, 64-77. Invited keynote  speech.

5.     Zhang Y P; Preparation,  thermal performance and application of shape-stabilized PCM in energy  efficient buildings, Proc. of the 4th Inter. Conf. On Sustainable Energy  Technologies, Jinan, China, Sept. 23-25, 2005, China Architecture and  Building Press, 371-378. Invited keynote speech.

6.     Zhang Y P, Preparation,  thermal performance and potential application of microencapsulated PCM  slurry or PCM emulsion, Proc. of International Conference on Cryogenics  & Refrigeration 2003, Hangzhou, P. R. China. Invited keynote speech.


1.     Zhang Y P, Mo J H, Chapter  4, Real-time monitoring of organic compounds. In the book: Salthammer  T., Uhde, E., Organic Indoor Air Pollutants: Occurrence, Measurement,  Evaluation. Wiley-VCH, Germany, 2009.10, 65-99.

2.     Zhang Y P, Zhang L Z, Liu  X H, Mo J H, Mass Transfer in Built Environment, Beijing: Architecture  Industry Publishing House of China. (In Chinese), July, 2006.

3.     Zhu Y X, Zhang Y P, Li X  T, et al., Built Environment, Architecture Industry Publishing Company  of China, 129-182. 2005.7. Zhang Y P, Chapter 5, Indoor Air Quality.  (National wide text book, in Chinese,).

4.     Zhang Y P, Zhu Y X, Yang X  D, Zhao B, Indoor Air Quality, Beijing: Architecture Industry Publishing  House of China (In Chinese), National wide text book, will be published  in Nov., 2010.

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